Our Services

Our field of operation is primarily the pharmaceutical, chemical, food and energy industries.
Accordingly, our professional strengths include: an explosion-proof environment, cleanroom facilities.
We provide the following services to our customers:





  • Technological design
  • Design of building engineering systems
  • Design of tanks, pressure vessels and appliances
  • Design of supporting structures and building structures





  • Manufacture of tanks, pressure vessels, appliances
  • Manufacture of pipeline assemblies
  • Manufacture of steel structures



Mechanical installation


  • Installation of structures, equipment and tanks
  • Installation of mechanical systems
  • Installation of technological piping networks
  • Installation of building engineering systems



Electrical Installation


  • Control engineering and automation installation
  • Power transmission, high current power supply installation




Professional works


  • Thermal insulation
  • Painting
  • Scaffolding



Within our services, we have special attention to the following areas:





We apply different procedures of fusion welds – 111; 141; 142; 131; 135; 136 – for the formation of a cohesive bond during the manufacture of products and the installation of technological systems. Our welding technologies and welding staff are TÜV-certified, providing our clients a suitable basis of trust to fulfill the desired quality grade. Our welding staff’s theoretical- and practical training is carried out in our factory, managed by a welding engineer.


Plastic welding


In line with today's modern times and technological challenges, in addition to welding metals, we also place great emphasis on welding plastic piping. Our modern welding machines and our continuously trained colleagues can weld pipes of different material qualities (PE, PP, PVC, etc.) and diameters (up to 1400mm) with the highest precision and quality, whether butt or girth welded.



Installation of Sterile Systems


In the field of pharmaceuticals, one of the important areas of GMP requirements is the installation of sterile systems in which our company still excels at despite today’s ever-increasing demands. The quality of our welding seams complies with ASME BPE and EN standards. During execution, we apply closed-loop orbital welding using protective gas (GTAW) without the addition of filler material. Testing and documentation of welds is carried out in parallel with the execution of the work.



Occupational safety


During all of our work processes, we pay special attention to creating safe working conditions without health risks. Our goal is to provide the maximum in the realms of both occupational safety and occupational health. Thus we expect our employees and subcontractors to regard the protection of workers, equipment, structures and buildings.

The rules applied and followed by us are in line with the legal requirements.



Environmental Protection


During the structuring of our environmental strategy, we kept the following motto in mind: The land was not inherited from our fathers, but lent to us by our grandchildren!

Our company strives for the rational use of material and energy in order to achieve minimal environmental impact. All activities are carried out in compliance with the legal regulations and in compliance with the highest environmental protection standards. We consciously seek environmentally friendly solutions in all areas of work.


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